2018-06-21 09:20:50


On Monday, general electric said it would cut 1,200 jobs in its Swiss power generation unit. 200 fewer people were laid off than had been planned.
Earnings are "ugly", arm broken survival

根据工控小编了解,GE此次裁员计划并不是“临时起意”,而是“酝酿”许久。早在去年年底,新上任的通用电气首席运营官John Flannery即开始对这家有着125年历史的美国工业巨头进行大刀阔斧地改革:关停上海、慕尼黑、里约热内卢研发中心,并制定裁员计划。在他看来,2018年是通用电气的“重置之年”。

reform: shut down Shanghai r&d center, Munich, Rio DE janeiro, and formulate the planned layoffs. In his view, 2018 is the "reset year" for ge.

如此“大动干戈”,全是因为财报表现不佳。通用电气2017年前三个季度财报显示,GE营业收入334.7亿美元,同比增加14%。但净利润为18亿美元,同比下跌9.5%,低于市场预期,尤其是电力业务的利润,同比大跌51%,仅为6.11亿美元。而到了第四季度,电力业务的收入下降了15%。对此,John Flannery表示,最新的业绩表现是完全不可接受的,迫切需要做出一些大的、有针对性的改变。

On December 8, 2017, GE announced that it would cut 12,000 jobs in its global power business, including 1,400 in Switzerland (1,200 in real terms). The move means the company will save $1 billion in expenses in 2018.
Once a booming industry, growth is now weak


Similarly, according to China radio and television association, in 2017, the profits of coal-fired power companies larger than the previous year fell by 83.3 percent to 20.7 billion yuan. The reasons are all related to the improvement of environmental awareness and the rapid development of new energy and


Not only China, many countries and organizations in the world is aware of the importance of environmental protection, in recent years have been issued by relevant regulations, policies and development plans, including the United Nations sustainable development agenda in 2030, the Chinese electric power



development "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning etc.
In addition, the rapid development of new and renewable energy sources poses a great threat to traditional energy sources






