2017-09-22 09:21:20

天水星火机床有限责任公司研制的VTC5240数控立式复合加工中心,是以自英国Wickman Bennett公司引进的数控立式车削中心(Φ2500mm)为基础,通过消化吸收、再创新,研发的具有自主知识产权的新产品。

Composite VTC5240 CNC vertical machining center developed Tianshui Spark Machine Tool Co. Ltd, with CNC vertical turning center since the introduction of British Wickman Bennett company (2500mm) as the foundation, through digestion and absorption and re innovation, developed with independent intellectual property rights of new products.


This machine is widely used in military, aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding and other industries, has the advantages of high efficiency, energy saving, safety and reliability, convenient operation and beautiful shape, with the industry equipment required high precision, multi-function, large-scale, integrated and professional requirements, has a broad market prospect.


After continuous research, the machine at present in domestic and foreign products, regardless of the level of technology, price performance or market share, are first-class, favored by users and peer approval, after the market become a new economic growth point. At present, a full range of products and industrial development have been realized to form mass production scale.


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