2017-08-29 11:05:45



 August 25, 2017, at the Shanghai Exhibition Center held the fourth session of the Shanghai Science and Technology Expo is probably the most eye-catching is the real technology scene 3D printing castle. Every child has his own castle dream, and now the dream with 3D printing technology is easy to achieve, and rapid technical general manager Dr. Zhang Jing said, 3D printing the castle only 15 hours.


Perhaps you can not understand, the castle should not be covered, how could it be printed out of the 3D printer, but that is the case, it is a layer of print out.


 A giant 3D printer, through the huge nozzle non-stop extrusion of building materials (ordinary cement), while the nozzle non-stop movement, a layer of stacked cement material, the last mini castle was built, the scene attracted A lot of curious viewers stopped observing.


     And the construction of the castle is needed, just a flat, a 3D printer, 2-3 tons of cement and castle design.


     15 hours, a miniature castle where they stand, almost no human intervention, and pure cement material costs may be only a few thousand dollars.


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